Hwangryeon Detoxification Soup – It can also be used for insurance herbal medicines prescribed mainly for fever, insomnia, high blood pressure and cerebrovascular disease aftereffects

Hwangryeon Detoxification Soup – It can also be used for insurance herbal medicines prescribed mainly for fever, insomnia, high blood pressure and cerebrovascular disease aftereffects

Gyeongho Yellow Lotus Hedoktang

Hello. Today, I’m going to find out about Hwangryeon Detoxification Soup among insurance herbal medicines. I remember taking it during practice, but I remember using it a lot.

Composition of Yellow Lotus Hedoktang

Hwangryeon detoxification soup consists of gold, yellow lotus, yellow white, and pheasant. All four medicines have cold properties.

Yellow lotus and golden lotus have cold medicinal properties and excellent response to lowering the body’s heat. It has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, and blood pressure lowering effects. Gold is also full of medicinal properties and plays a role in lowering heat in the body (the antipyretic effect), anti-inflammatory response, diuretic, blood pressure reduction, blood sugar and hyperlipidemia reduction.

Yellow and white are cold in medicinal properties, strengthening the stomach, detoxifying, converging, and sterilizing.Kutinashi is full of medicinal properties and has the effects of antipyretic, ear bile, hemostasis, and anti-inflammatory.Certificate of Application of Yellow Lotus Detoxification WaterYellow lotus detoxification hot water is mainly prescribed for fever. It can be used for diseases accompanied by fever or inflammatory findings in people with relatively strong physical strength, fever caused by infection, spasm, stomatitis, and snow inflammation.It can also be used for the aftereffects of cerebrovascular disorder. Among neurological symptoms, it is effective for anxiety, impatience, frustration, insomnia, and decreased spontaneous image.A component called berberine, the main ingredient of yellow lotus and yellow white, has a blood pressure-lowering effect and blocks adrenergic alpha receptors to reduce heart rate and peripheral vascular resistance. It can be used for high blood pressure and hyperlipidemia, and it can also be used for insomnia by calming down the excitement.Yellow lotus detoxification hot water in the medical bookTreatment: Typhoid fever, irritable sleeplessness, or alcoholics afterwards, and all kinds of poisoning. One sen, two and a half minutes each. Please take it after dipping and decoction. 감보감マン동 live manThe fever is severe due to damage, so you can’t sleep because of busyness, or you drink alcohol after healing and treat all the heat toxins. Yellow lotus, gold, yellow white and pheasant each cost 1.25 monme.These medicines are cut into one quire and boiled in water for eating. the heat of the fire-the heat of the fire-the heat of a maniacIt treats all three-second true stories and programs due to heat or intense heat.Yellow lotus detoxification hot water in the paperThis is a case report regarding the effect of Hwangryeon detoxification water on blood pressure rise.Although the number of cases is only four, systolic and diastolic blood pressure showed a decrease.<120 mmHg, the normal range of systolic blood pressure during the treatment period, and <80 mmHg, the normal range of diastolic blood pressure.출처Effects of Hwangnyonjiyu Granules on Temporarily Elevated Blood Pressure: A Case Series of Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Hwangnyonhai Deokyu and Fermented Hwangnyonhai Deokyu

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